Build a Relationship With Your Landlord

If you rent real estate in the Gold Coast it's likely that you'll have dealt with your landlord or property manager on more than one occasion.

It's a good idea to work towards a positive relationship with your landlord as it can make resolving property issues much easier. Here are some tips to build up your bond.


If there's a problem with the property you should let your landlord know as soon as possible. This allows them to identify and fix the issue before it grows into something bigger, and also benefits you as you will not have to deal with it for as long as if you ignore it.

Similarly, if you have difficulty meeting rent, it's best to let your landlord know as soon as possible. You may find that honest and open communication will prevent this being as much of an issue as it would be if you didn't say anything.

Look after the property

Treat the house as if it is your own and you'll be in good favour with the landlord, who will have less maintenance to deal with. Plus it means you'll be more likely to get your bond or security deposit paid out when you move.