Clean-up efforts to keep the Gold Coast sparkling clean

Perhaps the Gold Coast's greatest assets are its beautiful natural surroundings, helping to draw in legions every year on the hunt for apartments for rent on the Gold Coast. A close second to this is the responsible nature of its residents and local government, both of whom understand the importance of taking care of the local area. 

This concern with one's surroundings was on full display on 17 October, when a clean-up began of the four km long piece of land known as The Spit. As part of the clean-up, new bins were installed in the area, with even more to be set up during this week. 

The council receives $55,000 from the Queensland state government for the purpose of keeping the Gold Coast litter-free in areas like The Spit and Wavebreak Island. 

"I want to make sure that $55,000 is stretched as far as possible and hope the provision of new bins will help keep a lid on costs," Mayor Tom Tate said in a 17 October release. 

This measure comes hot on the heels of recently endorsed plans to consult the Gold Coast community on a new waste strategy, which will hep keep the city green and clean for some time to come.