Gold Coast plans for onset of mozzie season

With summer just around the corner, now is the time for residents of Broadbeach real estate to begin preparing for the warmer weather. Unfortunately, this also means the return of those buzzing blood suckers that leave arms and legs raw with itching bites: Mosquitoes. 

This year, however, Gold Coast mayor Tom Tate said he has a plan to help reduce the number of mozzies across the region. Working in partnership with both the council and Gold Coast residents, mayor Tate said the targeting of breeding areas and tackling the outbreak before it happens is the best way to approach the situation. 

"When high tides exceed about 1.6 metres at the Gold Coast Seaway, tidal marshes are flooded, triggering mosquito breeding. In summer this can occur up to twice monthly," said Mayor Tate in a 3 October statement. 

He said the use of all-terrain vehicles to survey marshes would be employed, as well as ground spraying in residential areas to control the larvae populations before the problem begins. Furthermore, fish are being released into residential lakes to help treat the problem in a more natural way as well, with the hope of helping Broadbeach residents have the most enjoyable summer possible.