Queensland an ‘extreme buyer’s market’, says report

In deciding whether or not to purchase Broadbeach real estate, one of the factors you'll probably weigh up is whether the housing market is right for buying. If it's a buyer's market, you'd likely want to get in quick while conditions are favourable. By contrast, if it's a seller's market, then maybe you'll want to leave it for the time being until circumstances improve.

But how do you figure out what kind of market you're dealing with? Wouldn't it be nice if someone could come right out and tell you, rather than having to pore through a bunch of arcane statistics and graphs?

As luck would have it, the Commonwealth Bank-RP Data Home Buyers Index (HBI) does just that. According to the HBI, the national housing market has tipped somewhat to now favour buyers, meaning that the number of properties being advertised outnumber the amount of home loans being taken out. 

Of course, there is a large amount of regional variation. Those thinking about the Gold Coast might want to note, however, that Queensland is currently considered an "extreme buyer's market", with "some of the best buying opportunities in the country", according to an 11 October release from Commonwealth Bank.