Residents Given Say on Commonwealth Games Legacy

Residents of the Gold Coast and the rest of Queensland are being given the opportunity to have their say on how the Commonwealth Games legacy should live on in the area.

The Gold Coast is due to host the prestigious sporting event in 2018 and plans are already in place to make sure it is able to benefit future generations.

Commonwealth Games minister Jann Stuckey has launched an online survey, which she hopes will encourage people to log on and put forward their suggestions.

"Legacy will mean different things to different people and we are looking for your ideas on how the games could generate lasting benefits for you and your community," the minister commented.

It is not only those with Gold Coast real estate who are being asked to contribute, but also schools, sporting clubs, businesses and community groups.

One initiative that is already in place is the redevelopment of the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, which will provide a world-class facility for future events in the area.

In recent days, a countdown clock to the games was installed in Surfer's Paradise, which is hoped will ignite the interest of local residents and visitors alike in the run-up to the tournament.